'Simply Nails' Nail Cutting Service

What is Simply Nails?

'Simply Nails' is a new service for patients with low podiatry needs who only require a simple nail cutting service.

At the moment our Simply Nails cutting service is only available at our Barry Clinic.

Patients who have not visited us before must complete a short survey to find out whether they qualify for the service.

A decision will be made immediately after you have completed the short survey.

You can then either book your 'Simply Nails' appointment online (if you qualify for the service) or you'll have the opportunity to book a general appointment if further information is needed.

Simply Nails

Our nail cutting service for patients with low podiatry needs
£ 25 Per appointment
  • Patients must return within 4 months to remain a "Simply Nails' customer

Welcome to our assessment tool.

Please answer the questions below to find out whether you qualify for our 'Simply Nails' nail cutting service.