Novel Coronavirus Update – The Vale Foot Clinic

The health and well-being of our patients remains our prime concern and priority in these challenging times. We, as a clinic, continue to follow the advice and guidance received from Public Health Wales, our regulatory body and the UK government to ensure that we remain informed and respond to the latest and most accurate advice as this situation continues to evolve.

We cannot mitigate against what the following weeks and months will bring but what we will continue to do is to work to the strict hygiene standards that we employ as practitioners whilst taking active measures to increase appointment availability over the coming weeks.

By increasing the capacity in our clinics over the next few weeks we will be able to provide patients who have an appointment booked in the near future the opportunity to bring that appointment forward. This availability may not be on the same day of the week or at the clinic where patients initially booked but we will work as flexibly as we can to meet the needs of our valuable patients.

Furthermore we must stress that any of our patients who are feeling unwell and are experiencing Novel Coronavirus symptoms must not attend their appointment with us but should call us (or contact us via email) to cancel their appointment. We will then rebook your appointment at a later date. Similarly if you are worried about attending your appointment we will understand if you wish to cancel and rearrange your appointment/ treatment for a later date.

We will continue to use our website, social media channels and email (if we have your email address on file) to communicate with you over the forthcoming weeks and months to ensure you remain up to date on the services that the Vale Foot Clinic continue to offer in these challenging times. We urge you all to stay safe and informed and we look forward to welcoming you into clinic for your next appointment.

Please follow the advice issued by Public Health Wales on their website

Coronavirus Symptoms –

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