Cancellation Policy
Why we operate a Cancellation Policy
The Vale Foot Clinic operates a cancellation policy to protect both it’s own interests and the interests of it’s patients.
Missed appointments not only effect the operation of our business but impact on our patients who are urgently waiting for appointments.
24 Hour Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to keep your appointment we ask you to contact our clinic to either cancel or rearrange your appointment at least 24 hours before the date and time of your appointment. This essentially means that we ask you to cancel your appointment at least a whole day (24 hours) before your appointment date.
If your appointment falls on the Monday we ask you to inform us of your need to cancel or rearrange your appointment by close of business on the Friday before your appointment. Our clinics are open until 4pm on Fridays.
Failure to inform us of your need to cancel or rearrange an appointment
If you do not inform us that you are unable to keep your appointment 24 hours before the date and time of your appointment or do not attend your appointment without notifying us we reserve the right to charge you 50% of the appointment cost.