Unfortunately based on the information you have provided you are not eligible for Swift Verruca Treatment at The Vale Foot Clinic.

Swift Verruca Treatment has some precautions that must be considered by both the clinician and patient.

Furthermore Swift Verruca treatment may result in discomfort during delivery which may make it unfavourable when treating young children and patients with a low pain threshold. Delivery of Swift can result in a 'sharp sensation', similar to that of an injection.

However pain does subside quickly and only in rare cases is there any prolonged pain.

If you would like to further discuss your eligibility for Swift Verruca Treatment with our team please use the contact page on our website.

Alternatively you can book one of our other highly effective Verruca treatments by using the link below.

All content and logic in our 'Swift Eligibility' Assessment tool' remains the property of The Vale Foot Clinic.
Unauthorised attempts to reproduce our Swift Eligibility Tool by other Organisations or Persons are Strictly Prohibited and will be enforced.

If you would like to discuss your eligibility for Swift Verruca Treatment futher please use our 'Contact Page'.